Please make sure to remove the following items before the Shoulder MRI scan:

  • hearing aids
  • hair clip, hairpin, or hairpiece with metal buckles
  • jewellery
  • watch
  • belt
  • bra with metal brace and clasp (sports bra is allowed)



During the Shoulder MRI scan, it's essential to remove any jewellery, piercings, removable dentures, hearing aids, and other metallic devices. Non-removable devices made of MRI-compatible materials such as orthopaedic devices can be scanned, but their presence might affect image quality. Patients may need to remove bras with metal braces or clasps at the back. Additionally, ensure that no metal coins, phones, credit cards, or other magnetisable objects are left in pockets.

During the scan, the patient will lie supine on the examination table while holding a „panic button” that can be pressed to signal the radiographer in case of any problems. Ear protection is provided to reduce the loud clicking noises during the scan. The examining radiographer will place a coil over the patient's shoulder. The native shoulder examination lasts approximately 8 minutes and 15 minutes using a contrast agent. Please remember that if you want to have both shoulder checked, you must book two appointments.

If you are scheduled for a contrast-enhanced MRI scan and have had a contrast-enhanced CT scan previously, it's important to wait at least 1-2 weeks between the two scans. For breastfeeding individuals scheduled for a contrast-enhanced MRI scan, it's recommended to stop breastfeeding for 48 hours after the contrast agent has been injected.

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